Page 53 - angleška varianta sist - ODDANO-FINAL 4_1_2022_FLIPBOOK-spread
P. 53

. classification of materials for reuse, especially plastic, composite packaging

                        and other materials, and allowing their return into the production and
                        consumption cycles without being labelled as rubbish.

  Production of an
     element from

recycled plastic in
Plastika Skaza. In
 recent years, the

      company has

      reoriented its
 operations in the

        direction of
 development and
circular economy.

                                   Photo: Plastika Skaza repository

                        The example of the company Plastika Skaza shows that in the field of circular economy,
                        standardization is not yet keeping pace with the Slovenian economy. In recent years,
                        this company has thoroughly reoriented its operations in the direction of sustainable
                        development and entry into the process of reshaping to a circular company.

                        The company has encountered an obstacle in the legislation, which defines all
                        plastic as waste material, thereby precluding reuse. Standards and legislation must
                        therefore urgently adapt very quickly to the contemporary circular business models,
                        and – from this point of view – make a new definition of waste material.

                        Although the Slovenian Government, in liaison with the Strategic Research and Inno-
                        vation Partnership (SRIP), is already preparing new legislative measures for circular
                        economy in the field of waste tyres and waste plastic, the new legislation should
                        develop horizontal standards for the needs of the economy, such that would be
                        applicable in different industries. In this way the new standards would also
                        encourage other Slovenian companies to reuse raw materials, which are still
                        labelled as waste material at present.

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