Page 27 - angleška varianta sist - ODDANO-FINAL 4_1_2022_FLIPBOOK-spread
P. 27

4.1 The research questions

                              The research followed the research questions related to assumptions
                              or hypotheses, as summarized in Table 4 below.

Table 4: Research questions by content sets and research hypotheses

Research                    HYPOTHESES                                                Question Content
questions                                                                             no. set

Which standards are         H1: For different groups of companies from the            1, 2        Part One
used by Slovenian           sample, standards have varying significance in            3
companies / Which are       different areas of operation.                             4, 5, 7, 8
the most important          H2: For different groups of companies from the
standards?                  sample, standards have varying significance.              4
                            H3: For micro, small and medium enterprises,              6
                            the most important standards are those prescribed         9
                            by the law.                                               11, 12
                            H4: Most often, companies decide to buy a standard        13
                            in order to comply with customers’ requirements.
                            H5: Companies consider it important that standards,
                            or at least terminology, are translated into Slovene.
                            H6: Standardization has a positive impact on
                            enterprise competitiveness.
                            H7: Standardization has a positive impact on innovation.
                            H8: Standardization has a positive impact on
                            cooperation between companies within the value
                            chain and on their operation.
                            H9: Standardization has a positive impact on risk

How do Slovenian            H10: Large enterprises agilely follow changes.            14          Part Two
companies follow the        H11: Participation in the standardization process         16
standardization process,    has a positive effect on the company’s operations.
at which professional       H12: Micro, small and medium enterprises lack             14, 15
and decision-making         sufficient financial resources and sufficient
level?                      technically competent human resources to be able
                            to actively follow the standardization process.

How do Slovenian            H13: Companies with foreign ownership rarely buy          17 Part Three
companies decide to buy     standards, as these are accessible to them via their
and implement a new         parent company.                                           18, 20, 21,
standard? How satisfied     H14: Companies are not well familiar with the             22
are SIST customers?         services provided by SIST.                                19
How satisfactory is SIST’s  H15: Companies turn to other organizations for
offer? How recognizable
is SIST and its provision   education on standards.
of services?

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